Mojolicious::Plugin::Pager - Pagination plugin for Mojolicious

  Example lite app
      use Mojolicious::Lite;

      plugin "pager";

      get "/" => sub {
        my $c = shift;
        $c->stash(total_items => 1431, items_per_page => 20);

  Example template
      <ul class="pager">
        % for my $page (pages_for $total_items / $items_per_page) {
          <li><%= pager_link $page %></li>
        % }

  Custom template
      <ul class="pager">
        % for my $page (pages_for $total_items / $items_per_page) {
          % my $url = url_with; $url->query->param(x => $page->{n});
          <li><%= link_to "hey!", $url %></li>
        % }

    Mojolicious::Plugin::Pager is a Mojolicious plugin for creating paged
    navigation, without getting in the way. There are other plugins which
    ship with complete markup, but this is often not the markup that *you*

    Note that this plugin is currently EXPERIMENTAL.

      $bytestream = $c->pager_link(\%page, @args);
      $bytestream = $c->pager_link(\%page, @args, sub { int(rand 100) });

    Takes a %page hash and creates an anchor using "link_to" in
    Mojolicious::Controller. @args is passed on, without modification, to
    "link_to()". The anchor generated has some classes added.

    See "pages_for" for detail about %page.

    Examples output:

      <a href="?page=2" class="prev" rel="prev">12</a>
      <a href="?page=1" class="first">1</a>
      <a href="?page=2" class="page">2</a>
      <a href="?page=3" class="active">3</a>
      <a href="?page=4" class="page">4</a>
      <a href="?page=5" class="page">5</a>
      <a href="?page=6" class="last">6</a>
      <a href="?page=3" class="next" rel="next">3</a>

      @pages = $self->pages_for($total_pages);
      @pages = $self->pages_for(\%args)
      @pages = $self->pages_for;

    Returns a list of %page hash-refs, that can be passed on to

    Example %page:

        n       => 2,    # page number
        current => 1,    # if page number matches "page" query parameter
        first   => 1,    # if this is the first page
        last    => 1,    # if this is the last page
        next    => 1,    # if this is last, that brings you to the next page
        prev    => 1,    # if this is first, that brings you to the previous page

    %args can contain:

    * current

      Default to the "page" query param or "1".

    * items_per_page

      Only useful unless "total" is specified. Default to 20.

    * size

      The max number of pages to show in the pagination. Default to 8 +
      "Previous" and "Next" links.

    * total

      The total number of pages. Default to "1" or...

        $total = $args->{total_items} / $args->{items_per_page}
        $total = $c->stash('total_items') / $c->stash('items_per_page')

      $app->plugin(pager => \%config);

    Used to register this plugin and the "HELPERS" above. %config can be:

    *   classes

        Used to set default class names, used by "pager_link".


            current => "active",
            first   => "first",
            last    => "last",
            next    => "next",
            prev    => "prev",
            normal  => "page",

    *   param_name

        The query parameter that will be looked up to figure out which page
        you are on. Can also be set in "stash" in Mojolicious::Controller on
        each request under the name "page_param_name".

        Default: "page"

    Jan Henning Thorsen

    Copyright (C) 2017, Jan Henning Thorsen

    This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.