NAME sersh - serial port shell SYNOPSIS sersh --baudrate 19200 /dev/ttyUSB1 --baudrate [Int] - dft.: 19200 --parity [none|odd|even] - dft.: none --databits [5,6,7,8] - dft: 8 --stopbits [1,2] - dft: 1 --handshake [none,rts,xoff] - dft: none DESCRIPTION Serial port shell with Gnu readline support for command editing and history. Launch with serial device as argument and then write commands that will be sent over serial port after you hit enter. All input from serial port is printed on the screen as it arrives. AUTHOR Jozef Kutej, <jkutej at> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2020 Jozef Kutej, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.