MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast - Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast
    behavior using Moose attributes

        package MyClass;
        use Moose;

        with 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast';

        #fields with readers and writers
        __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/field1 field2/);
        #fields with readers only
        __PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors(qw/field3 field4/);
        #fields with writers only
        __PACKAGE__->mk_wo_accessors(qw/field5 field6/);

    This module attempts to emulate the behavior of Class::Accessor::Fast as
    accurately as possible using the Moose attribute system. The public API
    of "Class::Accessor::Fast" is wholly supported, but the private methods
    are not. If you are only using the public methods (as you should)
    migration should be a matter of switching your "use base" line to a
    "with" line.

    While I have attempted to emulate the behavior of Class::Accessor::Fast
    as closely as possible bugs may still be lurking in edge-cases.

    Simple documentation is provided here for your convenience, but for more
    thorough documentation please see Class::Accessor::Fast and

  A note about introspection
    Please note that, at this time, the "is" flag attribute is not being
    set. To determine the "reader" and "writer" methods using introspection
    in later versions of Class::MOP ( > 0.38) please use the
    "get_read_method" and "get_write_method" methods in
    Class::MOP::Attribute. Example

        # with Class::MOP <= 0.38
        my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($field_name);
        my $reader_method = $attr->reader || $attr->accessor;
        my $writer_method = $attr->writer || $attr->accessor;

        # with Class::MOP > 0.38
        my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($field_name);
        my $reader_method = $attr->get_read_method;
        my $writer_method = $attr->get_write_method;

  BUILD $self %args
    Change the default Moose class building to emulate the behavior of
    C::A::F and store arguments in the instance hashref.

  mk_accessors @field_names
    Create read-write accessors. An attribute named $field_name will be
    created. The name of the c<reader> and "writer" methods will be
    determined by the return value of "accessor_name_for" and
    "mutator_name_for", which by default return the name passed unchanged.
    If the accessor and mutator names are equal the "accessor" attribute
    will be passes to Moose, otherwise the "reader" and "writer" attributes
    will be passed. Please see Class::MOP::Attribute for more information.

  mk_ro_accessors @field_names
    Create read-only accessors.

  mk_ro_accessors @field_names
    Create write-only accessors.

    Preface readers with 'get_' and writers with 'set_'. See original
    Class::Accessor documentation for more information.

    See original Class::Accessor documentation for more information.

    See original Class::Accessor documentation for more information.

    See original Class::Accessor documentation for more information.

    See Moose::Meta::Class.

    Moose, Moose::Meta::Attribute, Class::Accessor, Class::Accessor::Fast,
    Class::MOP::Attribute, MooseX::Adopt::Class::Accessor::Fast

    Guillermo Roditi (groditi) <>

    With contributions from:

    Tomas Doran (t0m) <>
    Florian Ragwitz (rafl) <>

    You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.