FFmpeg version 5704
FFmpeg (in this module, referred to here as FFmpeg-Perl) is a Perl
interface to the base project FFmpeg (referred to here as FFmpeg-C).
From the FFmpeg-C homepage:

FFmpeg-C is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and
video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library.
FFmpeg-C is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most OSes,
including Windows.

FFmpeg-Perl currently only supports the functionality of the ffmpeg and
libavformat components  of the FFmpeg-C suite.  That is, functions
exist for extracting metadata from media streams and transforming one
media stream format to another, but no effort is (yet) made to port
HTTP broadcasting or playback functionality (provided by the ffserver
and ffplay components, respectively).


Library        Language               Recommended way to get it
Image::PBMlib         Perl            CPAN - http://search.cpan.org
ImageMagick           C               RPM  - ImageMagick, ImageMagick-devel
ImageMagick           Perl            RPM  - ImageMagick-perl
ImageMagick::Iterator Perl            CPAN - http://search.cpan.org
JPEG                  C               RPM  - libjpeg, libjpeg-devel
Lame                  C               RPM  - liblame, liblame-devel
Ogg Vorbis            C               RPM  - libvorbis, libvorbis-devel,
                                             libogg, libogg-devel
Faad2                 C               RPM  - faad2, faad2-devel
Faac                  C               RPM  - faac, faac-devel
A52dec                C               RPM  - a52dec

On my system this does the trick to get prerequisites ready to go:

% rpm -Uvh lame-devel libvorbis-devel ImageMagick-perl
% perl -MCPAN -e 'install Image::PBMlib ImageMagick::Iterator'


FFmpeg is under active development.  This library was developed and 
tested on the FFmpeg SVN HEAD tag as of June 10, 2006, or version 5704.

Download and install the SVN version of FFmpeg.  The installation must
be configured with shared library support so libavformat and libavcodec
can be dynamically linked.  Make sure the install path of the shared
libraries is in the dynamic link path.  On a Linux system, this means
locating the libavformat.so and libavcodec.so files, and making sure
their path is specified in ld.so.conf.  Be sure to run "ldconfig"
*twice* after editing /etc/ld.so.conf.

Now you're ready to build the FFmpeg-C library.  I test against an
FFmpeg configured and installed like this (note that I have installed
the optional AMR patches, see ./configure --help for details):

./configure \
  --prefix=/usr \
  --enable-shared \
  --enable-mp3lame \
  --enable-libogg \
  --enable-vorbis \
  --enable-faad \
  --enable-faac \
  --enable-a52 \
  --enable-pthreads \
  --enable-pp \
  --enable-amr_nb \
  --enable-amr_nb-fixed \
  --enable-amr_wb \
  --enable-amr_if2 \
  --enable-gpl ;


% make && make install ; ldconfig ; ldconfig

FFmpeg's "make test" failed for me with this configuration because the
regression test suite doesn't like having shared libraries enabled.
If you experience problems with FFmpeg-perl or FFmpeg-C, try recompiling
without the shared library support to see if regression tests pass.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

Previous versions of this library required that the path to the FFmpeg-C
CVS checkout be given in environmental variable $FFMPEG_ROOT.  For simplicity
sake (?), I've opted to bundle the two files needed from the checkout: 
ffmpeg.c and config.h.  You'll need to specify -L lib and -I include paths,
or tweak the Makefile.PL if you haven't installed FFmpeg-C to --prefix=/usr


Copyright (c) 2003-2006 by Allen Day

This library is released under GPL, the Gnu Public License