Template Toolkit

                            Version 2.00

                         1st December 2000

        Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved
        Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

          This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
             modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


The Template Toolkit is a collection of modules which implement a
fast, flexible, powerful and extensible template processing system.
It was originally designed and remains primarily useful for generating
dynamic web content, but it can be used equally well for processing
any other kind of text based documents: HTML, XML, POD, PostScript,
LaTeX, and so on.

It can be used as a stand-alone Perl module or embedded within an
Apache/mod_perl server for generating highly configurable dynamic web
content.  A number of Perl scripts are also provided which can greatly
simplify the process of creating and managing static web content and 
other offline document systems.

Version 2 is a near-total rewrite which adds many new features while
remaining *almost* fully backwardly compatible with version 1 (see
'VERSION COMPATABILITY' below).  The internal design and
architecture have been greatly improved and the template language
offers a number of powerful new directives, while retaining all but
the broken, buggy, undocumented or experimental features that had
crept into versions 0.* and 1.* over the years.  Version 2 also offers
important performance benefits, running significantly faster and using
less memory than version 1.  This can only be described as a Good

The Template Toolkit (version 1) received the award for "Best New Perl
Module" at the 4th Perl Conference in Monterey, earlier this year.
Version 2 is even better and if it doesn't make your content funkier,
your job easier, your life more fun and you more attractive to the
appropriate sex, then you can always return it for a full refund. :-)


  * simple but powerful language syntax and semantics

  * promotes a clear separation between application functionality and
    presentation elements

  * variable substitution allows binding to any Perl data types
    (scalars, hashes, lists, subs, objects)

  * conditional blocks (IF/UNLESS/ELSIF/ELSE, SWITCH/CASE)

  * loops and iterators (FOREACH, WHILE)

  * file/template inclusion (INSERT, INCLUDE, PROCESS, WRAPPER)

  * definition of local template components (BLOCK)

  * post-processing filters (FILTER)

  * plugin module architecture for easy extensibility (USE)

  * embedded Perl can be optionally enabled (PERL/RAWPERL)

  * full exception handling (TRY/THROW/CATCH/FINAL)
  * user-defined macros (MACRO)

  * definition of template metadata (META)

  * virtual methods for complex data types (e.g. list.size, hash.keys, etc.)

  * numerous configuration options

  * modular OO architecture allows extensive customisation

  * fast LALR(1) parser modules compiles templates according to a
    YACC-like grammar.

  * templates compiled to Perl code for efficient runtime execution

  * in-memory and on-disk caching of compiled templates

  * simple front end module (Template.pm) for ease of use

  * numerous plugin modules: CGI, DBI, XML, URL, Date, Table, etc

  * standard filters for html, case folding, regex search and replace, etc.


The Template Toolkit is written entirely in Perl and should run on any 
platform on which Perl is available.  It requires Perl 5.005 or later.

The 'ttree' utility uses the AppConfig module (version 1.52 or above)
for parsing command line options and configuration files.  You don't
actually require this module to use the Template Toolkit itself, but
will do if you plan to use the 'ttree' utility (which you really
should).  It is available from CPAN:


The Template Toolkit implements a "plugin" architecture which allow
you to incorporate the functionality of virtually any Perl module into
your templates.  A number of plugin modules are included with the
distribution for interfacing to databases (DBI), XML files (XML::DOM,
XML::RSS, XML::XPath), CGI scripts (CGI), and so on.  Some of these
plugin modules are dependant on external modules but these are not
pre-requisites for installation.  All plugin modules are installed,
regardless of any unsatisfied dependencies, so that you can install an
external module at a later date and then use the plugin without
requiring re-installation of the Template Toolkit.

If you want to enable all plugin modules then the following modules,
all available from CPAN, should be installed:

    Plugin		Requires
    ------              --------
    Autoformat	        Text::Autoformat 1.03+
    DBI			DBI 1.14+ and relevant DBD drivers
    XML::DOM            XML::DOM 1.27+   (requires XML::Parser 2.23+)
    XML::RSS            XML::RSS 0.9+    (ditto)
    XML::XPath          XML::XPath 1.00+ (ditto)

NOTE: The Text::Autoformat plugin may fail on tests 23 and 25 with 
versions of Perl prior to 5.6.0 when using a locale which has a decimal
separator other than '.'.  See the KNOWN BUGS section of the TODO file 
for further information.


The latest release version of the Template Toolkit can be downloaded 
from any CPAN site:


Interim and development versions may also be available, along with
other useful information, news, publications, mailing list archives,
etc., from the Template Toolkit web site:


The Template Toolkit is distributed as a gzipped tar archive file:


where <version> represents the current version number, e.g. 2.00

To install the Template Toolkit, unpack the distribution archive to
create an installation directory.  Something like this:

    tar zxf Template-Toolkit-2.00.tar.gz
    gunzip Template-Toolkit-2.00.tar.gz
    tar xf Template-Toolkit-2.00.tar

You can then 'cd' into the directory created,

    cd Template-Toolkit-2.00

and perform the usual Perl installation procedure:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

The 'make test' will run the test scripts in the 't' sub-directory,
skipping any plugin tests that require external modules not available
on your system.  If you have the DBI module installed then the
Makefile.PL script will ask you if you want to run the DBI tests.  If
you answer 'y' then it will prompt you for a database server to test
against.  Please ensure that any database server you specify is
running before executing 'make test', or expect a failure for the
t/dbi.t test.

You can set the TEST_VERBOSE flag when running 'make test' to see the
results of the individual tests:

    make test TEST_VERBOSE=1

The 'make install' will install the modules and scripts on your
system.  You may need administrator privileges to perform this task.
Alternately you can can install the Template Toolkit to a local
directory (see ExtUtils::MakeMaker for full details), e.g.

    perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/abw/

Don't forget to update your PERL5LIB environment variable if you do
this, or add a line to your script to tell Perl where to find the files,

    use lib qw( /home/abw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 );

If you're installing on a Win32 platform then 'nmake' should be a
suitable alternative to 'make', available from Microsoft's web site.


The Template Toolkit is provided with enough documentation to keep all
but the most voracious reader happy for quite some time.  

The 'Changes' file in the distribution directory documents all visible
changes between versions of the Template Toolkit.  See the section 
'VERSION COMPATABILITY' below for further details.

The 'TODO' file, also in the distribution directory, lists known bugs,
planned enhancements and possible new features.

Having installed the module(s), the first port of call (if only
briefly) should be the 'Template' manpage.  This contains
comprehensive details of all the directives, syntax, configuration
options, examples of use, etc., for the Template Toolkit.  If you're
using a Unix system then you can use the 'man' command:

    man Template

Otherwise, 'perldoc' is your friend (and what we'll use for further

    perldoc Template

If that document leaves you feeling overwhelmed then you might
prefer to look at the Template::Tutorial which gives a general
overview and "Quick Start" guide to using the Template Toolkit.

    perldoc Template::Tutorial

Each of the various modules that comprise the Template Toolkit has its
own associated documention.  The 'Template' manpage lists these
modules along with a brief description of their functions.  For

    perldoc Template::Context 
    perldoc Template::Parser 
    perldoc Template::Provider

NOTE: At the time of writing there may be some minor inconsistencies
between the documentation in these modules and that in the main
'Template' manpage.  In general, the 'Template' documentation is
updated and proof-read more often and is therefore more likely to be
accurate.  Note however, that the documentation for the individual
modules does tend to go into greater detail and may contain
information not covered in the 'Template' manpage.  Please do report
any errors or inconsistencies that you find or send patches to the 


The Template Toolkit mailing list provides a forum for discussing
issues relating to the use and abuse of the Template Toolkit.  There
are a number of knowledgeable and helpful individuals who frequent the
list (including the author) who can often offer help or suggestions.
Please respect their time and patience by checking the documentation
and/or mailing list archives before asking questions that may already
have been answered.   

To subscribe to the mailing list, send an email to:


with the message 'subscribe' in the body.  You can also use the web 
interface to subscribe or browse the archives:


A low-volume, moderated mailing list exists for announcements about new
releases of the Template Toolkit and related products.  To subscribe, send
an email to:


with the message 'subscribe' in the body.  A web interface also exists
for subscription and browsing the archives:


There is not yet a FAQ for the Template Toolkit but there definately 
should be one.  This will be forthcoming in the very near future.

For information about commercial support and consultancy for the Template 
Toolkit, please contact the author.


Version 2 is backwardly compatible with version 1 in all but a few
minor areas.  The 'Changes' file details all the visible changes
between version 1 and version 2, including deltas between alphas and
betas.  Within this file there is a 'Gotchas' section which lists the
changes that may affect backwards compatability with existing template
files.  These are listed in brief below.  Please consult the 'Changes'
file for full details.

* All directive keywords should now be written in UPPER CASE (by default)
  to avoid conflict with reserved words.  The CASE option is now called
  ANYCASE and can be set true to permit lower case directive keywords.

* CATCH blocks must now be scoped with a TRY block.

* The ERROR directive is no longer supported.  THROW an exception instead
  or use the 'stderr' filter if you really must write to STDERR and nowhere

* The ERROR configuration option (previously used to customise the ERROR
  directive) is now used to specify handling for uncaught exceptions.

* Version 1 allowed (but didn't recommend) the use of a leading '$' on a 
  variable name (i.e. like Perl) which was silently ignored.  Version 2
  no longer ignores them and treats it as a variable
  pre-interpolation.  Most of the time you *don't* want to do this, so 
  don't add a leading '$' unless you know what you're doing.  You can set
  V1DOLLAR => 1 to revert to the old behaviour if you really have to.

* The default tag style for version 1 accepted [% ... %] or %% ... %%
  (the latter for backwards compatability with Text::MetaText, the 
  predecessor to TT).  Version 2 now only accepts [% ... %] by default.
  You can set TAG_STYLE => 'template1' to get both.

* The 'into' filter is obsolete.  You can now simply assign the output 
  of a directive into a variable, e.g. [% foo = INCLUDE header %]

* The IMPORT directive has been removed and replaced by an 'import'
  hash method.

Most of the significant changes are in the internals of the Template
Toolkit.  If you have any code that delves into the individual modules
and tinkers with their guts then will need to check the 'Changes' file
very carefully indeed and re-evaluate your code in the light of the
new architecture.  The interns are cleaner and better organised making
extension code much easier to write.  The downside is that some of the
old and crusty ways you previously had to do things may no longer work.


The Template Toolkit was written by Andy Wardley <abw@kfs.org> with
the invaluable assistance and contributions from many other people.
Please see the 'ACKNOWLEDGMENTS' section of the 'Template' manpage for
the extensive list of those people who made it possible.


Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.