Class::Accessor::Constructor - Constructor generator

    version 1.111590

      package MyClass;
      use base 'Class::Accessor::Constructor';

    This module generates accessors for your class in the same spirit as
    Class::Accessor does. While the latter deals with accessors for scalar
    values, this module provides accessor makers for rather flexible

    The accessor generators also generate documentation ready to be used
    with Sub::Documentation.

    Takes an array of strings as its argument. If no argument is given, it
    uses "new" as the default. For each string it creates a class
    constructor which is quite powerful and flexible. It supports

    "customizable munging of arguments"
    "customizable sorting of arguments"
    "inherited default values"
    "an optional init() method"

    The constructor accepts named arguments - that is, a hash - and will set
    the hash values on the accessor methods denoted by the keys. For

        package MyClass;
        use base 'Class::Accessor::Constructor';

        package main;
        use MyClass;

        my $o = MyClass->new(foo => 12, bar => [ 1..5 ]);

    is the same as

        my $o = MyClass->new;

    The constructor will also call an "init()" method, if there is one.

    The arguments are munged beforehand - if a single argument is a hashref
    is passed in, it is expanded out, the the key/value pairs - whether
    originally as a hash ref or a list - may be reordered as typically
    occurs with perl hashes.

    For example:

        package Simple;
        use base 'Class::Accessor::Constructor';

            ->mk_accessors(qw(a b));

        use constant DEFAULTS => (a => 7, b => 'default') ;

    Somewhere else:

        use Simple;
        my $test1 = Simple->new;                  # now a == 7, b == 'default'
        my $test2 = Simple->new(a => 1);          # now a == 1, b == 'default'
        my $test3 = Simple->new(a => 1, b => 2);  # now a == 1, b == 2

    Defaults can be inherited per Data::Inherited's "every_hash()". Example:

        package A;
        use base 'Class::Accessor::Constructor';

        __PACKAGE__->mk_constructor->mk_accessors(qw(a b));

        use constant DEFAULTS => (a => 7, b => 'default');


        package B;
        use base 'A';
        use constant DEFAULTS => (a => 23);


        use A;
        use B;
        my $test1 = A->new;   # now a ==  7, b == 'default'
        my $test2 = B->new;   # now a == 23, b == 'default'

    If a class wants to order some args first, it can define a
    "FIRST_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS()" list, which will be cumulative over
    inheritance tree due to Data::Inherited. "FIRST_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS()"
    should return a list of argument names that have to come first; if a
    constructor is called, those arguments are set first, whereas the other
    ones are set in an unspecified order.


        package Simple;
        use base 'Class::Accessor::Constructor';


        use constant FIRST_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS => ('b');

        # make 'a' dependent on 'b'
        sub a {
            return $_[0]->{a} if @_ == 1;
            $_[0]->{a} = $_[1] + $_[0]->b;


        my $test = Simple->new(a => 1, b => 2);

    will set "b" first, then set "a" (to 3).

    As mentioned, arguments are munged beforehand automatically, but you can
    also customize the munging. By default,

        my $test = Simple->new(a => 1, b => 2)

    is the same as

        my $test = Simple->new({ a => 1, b => 2 })

    Suppose you have a class that has one preferred accessor, and you want
    to simplify its usage so that if the constructor is called with a single
    value, it is passed to that preferred accessor.

    Given that the "Simple" class defines

            my $self = shift;
            return %{ $_[0] }    if @_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH';
            return (b => @_) if @_ % 2;      # odd number of args
            return @_;

    then an object could be constructed like this

        my $test = Simple->new('blah');

    which would be munged to be equivalent to

        my $test = Simple->new(b => 'blah');

    If you define an "init()" method, the constructor calls it with the
    munged args as the very last thing.

    Like "mk_constructor()", but also keeps track of whether the object has
    been modified. This is useful, for example, when you have read the
    object from a storage and at the end you want to write it back if it has
    changed. This method generated saves you from having to update a
    dirty-flag in each accessor. It achieves its purpose by doing a tie() on
    the blessed hash that is the object, so there is some performance
    penalty. But it also works when someone tries to break encapsulation by
    accessing hash elements directly instead of going via the accessors. See
    Class::Accessor::Constructor::Base for details.

    If you want that behaviour only in a part of your inheritance tree,
    redefine the constructor at the appropriate point. For example:

        package Foo;
        use base 'Class::Accessor::Constructor';


        package Bar;
        use base 'Foo';

    Now objects of type "Foo" will not keep a dirty-flag, but objects of
    type "Bar" and its descendants will.

    Like "constructor" but constructs a singleton object.

    See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl

    No bugs have been reported.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at

    The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive
    Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a
    CPAN site near you, or see

    The development version lives at
    <> and may be
    cloned from <git://>.
    Instead of sending patches, please fork this project using the standard
    git and github infrastructure.

    Marcel Gruenauer <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Marcel Gruenauer.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.