NAME PerlX::AsyncAwait - async/await keywords in pure perl EXPERIMENTAL This is batshit crazy, even for mst. No warranty, express or implied. SYNOPSIS First recommendation: use Future::AsyncAwait; # instead because it's XS and does suspend/resume properly and will perform better. This module, on the other hand, is an attempt to make it all work in pure perl, by rewriting your code into a .pmc file that contains extra code to handle suspend/resume at the pure perl level. Which is great if you want fatpacking or support for older perls, but not the best solution otherwise. That said: use PerlX::Generator::Runtime; use PerlX::Generator::Compiler; my $f = async_do { ... await some_future_returning_function(); ... return ...; }; my $result = $loop->await($f); my $sub = async_sub { ... await some_future_returning_function($_[0]); ... return ...; }; my $result = $loop->await($sub->(...)); This will result in a .pmc file that depends only on PerlX::AsyncAwait::Runtime. See the examples/ directory for what the results end up looking like. Note that the order is important, you *must* use the runtime *before* the compiler or weirdness will ensue. Note that since the .pmc does not require the compiler, on the author side you will need to depend on Module::Compile directly. DESCRIPTION There should be details here but I'm shipping this now so the YAPC::EU crowd can play with it. LIMITATIONS We rewrite "foreach" into a 3-arg "for" so you *can* await inside a foreach loop. We do not handle 'local' in any way shape or form that. I'll add that later. AUTHOR mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <> CONTRIBUTORS None yet - maybe this software is perfect! (ahahahahahahahahaha) COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2017 the PerlX::AsyncAwait "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.