NAME Test::Approx - compare two strings for equality using Levenshtein distances SYNOPSIS use Test::Approx 'no_plan'; is_approx( 'abcd', 'abcd', 'equal strings' ); is_approx( 1234, 1234, 'equal numbers' ); # fails as the default edit tolerance is 5% of avg string length: is_approx( 'abcdefg', 'abcgfe', 'diff strings' ); # passes if you set the tolerance yourself: is_approx( 'abcdefg', 'abcgfe', 'diff strings', '50%' ); # you can set tolerance as a number too: is_approx( 'abcdefg', 'abcgfe', 'diff strings', 5 ); DESCRIPTION This module lets you test if two strings are *approximately* equal. Yes, that sounds a bit wrong at first - surely you know if they should be equal or not? But there are actually valid cases when you don't / can't know. This module is meant for those rare cases when close is good enough. FUNCTIONS is_approx( $str1, $str2 [, $test_name, $edit_threshold ] ) Tests if $str1 is approximately equal to $str2 by using Text::LevenshteinXS to compute the edit distance between the two strings. If you don't pass a $test_name, it gets named for you. If $edit_threshold is set, it is used to determine how many edits are allowed before a test failure. Otherwise, the default value is set to "5% the average lengths of the two strings" or 1 (whichever is larger). You can pass $edit_threshold as either an integer, or a percentage (in a string, ie: use '6%' not 0.06). EXPORTS "is_approx" AUTHOR Steve Purkis <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2008 Steve Purkis. Released under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Text::LevenshteinXS, Test::Builder