Just another window to viewport mapper. [![CPAN Version](]( [![Build Status](](

use Math::Window2Viewport;

my $mapper = Math::Window2Viewport->new(
    Wb => 0, Wt => 1, Wl => 0, Wr => 1,
    Vb => 9, Vt => 0, Vl => 0, Vr => 9,

my ($x, $y) = (0.5, 0.6);
my $x2 = $mapper->Dx( $x );
my $y2 = $mapper->Dy( $y );

The following images were generated by using only
primitive move_to and draw_to functions (and labels) without
needing to convert degrees to radians, etc.

![bar chart](/examples/bar-chart.png)

![sine wave](/examples/sine.png)

![sawtooth wave](/examples/sawtooth.png)

![triangle wave](/examples/triangle.png)

![square wave](/examples/square.png)

![Fourier sqaure](/examples/fsquare.png)

See [examples](/examples/bin/) for source code.

To install this module, you should use CPAN. A good starting
place is [How to install CPAN modules](

If you truly want to install from this github repo, then
be sure and create the manifest before you test and install:
perl Makefile.PL
make manifest
make test
make install

Support and Documentation
After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.
perldoc Math::Window2Viewport
You can also find documentation at [metaCPAN](

License and Copyright
See [source POD](/lib/Math/