NAME POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage - non-blocking way to get URIs to random images from <> SYNOPSIS use strict; use warnings; use POE qw(Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage); POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn( alias => 'wrong', ); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ main => [ qw( _start got_pic ) ], ], ); $poe_kernel->run; sub _start { $_[KERNEL]->post( wrong => fetch => { event => 'got_pic' } ); } sub got_pic { my ( $kernel, $input ) = @_[ KERNEL, ARG0 ]; if ( $input->{error} ) { print "ERROR: $input->{error}\n"; } else { print "You are doing it wrong: $input->{out}\n"; } $kernel->post( wrong => 'shutdown' ); } DESCRIPTION The module is a non-blocking wrapper around WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage which fetches a URI for a random image from <> CONSTRUCTOR spawn my $poco = POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn; POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn( alias => 'wrong', ); POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn( alias => 'wrong', ua_args => { timeout => 30, # that's the default agent => 'WrongAgent', # the rest of LWP::UserAgent options can go here. }, options => { debug => 1, trace => 1, # POE::Session arguments for the component }, debug => 1, # output some debug info ); The "spawn" method returns a POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage object and takes several aruments *all of which are optional*. The possible arguments are as follows: alias POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn( alias => 'calc' ); Optional. Specifies a POE Kernel alias for the component. ua_args my $poco = POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn( ua_args => { timeout => 30, # that's the default agent => 'WrongAgent', # the rest of LWP::UserAgent options can go here. }, ); Optional. The "ua_args" argument takes a hashref as a value which will be passed to LWP::UserAgent object constructor. See LWP::UseAgent documentation for possible keys/values. By default the default LWP::UserAgent's constructor will be used *except* for "timeout" which, unless specified by you, will default to 30 seconds. options my $poco = POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn( options => { trace => 1, default => 1, }, ); A hashref of POE Session options to pass to the component's session. debug my $poco = POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage->spawn( debug => 1 ); When set to a true value turns on output of debug messages. Defaults to: 0. METHODS These are the object-oriented methods of the components. fetch $poco->fetch( { event => 'got_pic' } ); $poco->fetch( { event => 'got_pic', session => 'other_session', _user_defined => 'something_random', _random => 'moar_randomness', } ); Takes hashref of options. See "fetch" event below for description. session_id my $poco_id = $poco->session_id; Takes no arguments. Returns component's session ID. shutdown $poco->shutdown; Takes no arguments. Shuts down the component. ACEPTED EVENTS fetch $poe_kernel->post( wrong => fetch => { event => 'got_pic', session => 'other_session', _user_defined => 'something_random', _random => 'moar_randomness', } ); Instructs the component to fetch a URI to a random image from <>. Takes one argument which is a hashref of options with keys/values as follows: event { event => 'got_pic' } Mandatory. An event to send the result to. session { session => $some_other_session_ref } { session => 'some_alias' } { session => $session->ID } Optional. An alternative session alias, reference or ID that the response should be sent to, defaults to sending session. user defined Optional. Any keys starting with "_" (underscore) will not affect the component and will be passed back in the result intact. shutdown $poe_kernel->post( wrong => 'shutdown' ); Takes no arguments. Tells the component to shut itself down. OUTPUT $VAR1 = { 'out' => bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'URI::http' ), '_num' => 4 }; The event handler set up to handle the event, the name of which you've specified in the "event" parameter of the "fetch()" event/method will recieve the results of the request from "fetch". They will be passed in a form of a hashref in "ARG0". The possible keys will be as follows: out { 'out' => bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'URI::http' ), } If no errors occured, the "out" key will be present and the value will be a URI object for the URI of the random image from <>. error { 'error' => '500: Request timed out' } If some sort of an error occured during the request, the "error" key will be present and will contain the description of an error. user defined { '_num' => 4 } Any arguments beginning with "_" (underscore) passed into the "fetch" event/method will be present intact in the result. SEE ALSO POE, LWP::UserAgent, URI, WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage PREREQUISITES For healthy life this module requires the following modules/versions: 'Carp' => 1.04, 'POE' => 0.9999, 'POE::Filter::Reference' => 1.2187, 'POE::Filter::Line' => 1.1920, 'POE::Wheel::Run' => 1.2179, 'WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage' => 0.01, The module might work with older versions but that wasn't tested. AUTHOR Zoffix Znet, "<zoffix at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-poe-component-www-doingitwrongcom-randimage at", or through the web interface at < tWrongCom-RandImage>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker < rongCom-RandImage> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation < e> * CPAN Ratings < dImage> * Search CPAN < mage> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.