# NAME Test::OpenID::Consumer - setup a simulated OpenID consumer # SYNOPSIS Test::OpenID::Consumer will provide a consumer to test your OpenID server against. To use it, do something like this: use Test::More tests => 1; use Test::OpenID::Consumer; my $consumer = Test::OpenID::Consumer->new; my $url_root = $consumer->started_ok("server started ok"); $consumer->verify_ok('http://server/identity/openid'); # METHODS ## new Create a new test OpenID consumer ## ua \[OBJECT\] Get/set the LWP useragent to use for fetching pages. Defaults to an instance of [LWP::UserAgent::Paranoid](https://metacpan.org/pod/LWP::UserAgent::Paranoid) with localhost whitelisted. ## started\_ok Test whether the consumer's server started, and if it did, return the URL it's at. # METHODS ## verify\_ok URL \[TEST\_NAME\] Attempts to verify the given OpenID. At the moment, the verification MUST NOT require any logging in or setup, but it may be supported in the future. ## verify\_cancelled URL \[TEST\_NAME\] Like [verify\_ok](https://metacpan.org/pod/verify_ok), but the test passes if the OpenID verification process is cancelled (i.e. the user chose not to trust the authenticating site). ## verify\_invalid URL \[TEST\_NAME\] Like [verify\_ok](https://metacpan.org/pod/verify_ok) but the test passes if the OpenID client is unable to find a valid OpenID identity at the URL given. # INTERAL METHODS These methods implement the HTTP server (see [HTTP::Server::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTTP::Server::Simple)) that the consumer uses. You shouldn't call them. ## handle\_request # AUTHORS Thomas Sibley <trs@bestpractical.com> # COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007, Best Practical Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. # LICENSE You may distribute this module under the same terms as Perl 5.8 itself.