Apache2::AuthCookieDBI is a module that subclasses Apache2::AuthCookie and is
designed to be directly used for authentication in a mod_perl server.

It is a ticket-issuing system that looks up username/passwords in a DBI
database using generic SQL and issues MD5-checksummed tickets valid for
a configurable time period.  Incoming requests with tickets are
checksummed and expire-time checked.

Version 2.03 and later: mod_perl 1.999_22 and later. Apache::*
replaced by Apache2::

Latest distribution at: https://metacpan.org/pod/Apache2::AuthCookieDBI
Source code at:         https://github.com/matisse/Apache-AuthCookieDBI/
Apache::AuthCookieDBI versions:
Version 2.0 and later: mod_perl 1.99_XX
Version 1.22 was the last version that works with mod_perl 1.x

See the README-docker file in this distribution for instructions
on how to use the `docker` directory to test this distribution
without needing to install Apache or mod_perl on your local machine.

Maintainer: matisse@cpan.org