NAME Pipeworks - Pipeline Processing Framework SYNOPSIS use Pipeworks::Pipeline::MyDoc; use Pipeworks::Message::GetBody; my $line = Pipeworks::Pipeline::MyDoc->new; # same as Pipeworks::Stage::FetchURL->new( ... ) $line->register( 'FetchURL' ); $line->register( 'GetDocumentBody' ); $line->register( sub { my $msg = shift; warn( "body:\n" . $msg->body ) } ); # same as Pipeworks::Message::GetBody->new( ... ) my $message = $line->message( GetBody => { url => 'http://localhost/', } ); my $result = $line->process( $message ); DESCRIPTION This is a message oriented pipeline processing framework to enable separation of concerns, organization of individual functionality and improve code-reuse though aspect orientation. It simply allows to define and organize pipelines that process messages in multiple steps and return a result. HISTORY Originally the basic idea is inspired by UNIX concepts. There was a lot of thinking how to represent a similar model in programming without losing important benefits that UNIX provides. When Steve Bate wrote a blog post about Messaging as a Programming Model < odel-part-1/> things came together, started to make sense and code began to materialize this implementation. SEE ALSO < odel-part-1/>, < odel-part-2/>, < odel-revisited/>, < ing-for-more-decoupling.aspx>, < ing-as-a-programming-model-ndash-letacutes-get-real.aspx>, < ndash-visualizing-the-messaging-programming-model.aspx>, < -messaging---flows-on-different-levels-of-abstraction.aspx> AUTHOR Simon Bertrang <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013 by Simon Bertrang This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.