Because the OpenDWG toolkit is not GPL, I cannot distribute it or any
part of it with this module.  You will have to get the toolkit and
install it under /usr/local/lib/ and /usr/local/include/.

There is also the sore spot of the adinit.dat file, which the toolkit
has to have each time it starts.  The Makefile.PL will search your /usr/
and /home/ directories for this and set the value as a constant in the
functions.c file.  Alternatively, you can explicitely specify an
initfile with the --adinit flag.

If you don't have something of a similar setup, hack on the Makefile.PL
and the "use Inline" portion of  Better yet, find a way for all
of this to work automagically and send me the code.

Also, write more tests and send me those.

Thanks, and hope this works for you (drop me a line and let me know if
and how you are using it.)

So, if you have everything setup, just do:

perl Makefile.PL [--help], [--adinit <initfile>]
make test
make install