NAME Class::Discover - detect MooseX::Declare's 'class' keyword in files. SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION This class is designed primarily for tools that whish to populate the "provides" field of META.{yml,json} files so that the CPAN indexer will pay attention to the existance of your classes, rather than blithely ignoring them. The version parsing is basically the same as what M::I's "->version_form" does, so should hopefully work as well as it does. METHODS discover_classes Class::Discover->discover_classes(\%opts) Takes a single options hash-ref, and returns a array-ref of hashes with the following format: { MyClass => { file => "lib/", type => "class", version => "1" } } "version" will only be present if the class has a (detected) version. "type" is the "keyword" match that triggered this class. The following options are understood: dir The (absolute) directory from which files should be given relative to. If "files" is not passed, then the dir under which to search for modules. files Array-ref of files in which to look. If provided, then only these files will be searched. keywords List of 'keywords' which are treated as being class declarators. Defaults to "class" and "role". no_index A hash of arrays with keys of "directory" and "file" which are ignored when searching for packages. SEE ALSO MooseX::Declare for the main reason for this module to exist. Module::Install::ProvidesClass Dist::Zilla AUTHOR Ash Berlin "<>". (C) 2009. All rights reserved. LICENSE Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.