Date::Holidays::PT version 0.02 =============================== =head1 NAME Date::Holidays::PT - Determine Portuguese public holidays =head1 SYNOPSIS use Date::Holidays::PT; my ($year, $month, $day) = (localtime)[ 5, 4, 3 ]; $year += 1900; $month += 1; print "Woohoo" if is_pt_holiday( $year, $month, $day ); my $h = pt_holidays($year); printf "Jan. 1st is named '%s'\n", $h->{'0101'}; =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 new Creates a new Date::Holidays::PT object. my $mh = Date::Holidays::PT->new(); =head2 is_holiday Should at least take three arguments: year (four digits) month (between 1-12) day (between 1-31) The return value from is_holiday is either a 1 or a 0 (1 if the specified date is a holiday, 0 otherwise). if ( $mh->is_holiday( $year, $month, $day ) ) { # it's a holiday } =head2 is_pt_holiday Similar to is_holiday, but instead of returning 1 if the date is a holiday returns a string comprising the name of the holidays. In the event of two or more holidays on the same day (hey, it happens), the string will comprise the name of all those holidays separated by a semicolon. my $todays_holiday = $mh->is_pt_holiday( $year, $month, $day ); if ( $todays_holiday ) { print "Today is $todays_holiday.\nDon't bother getting up!\n"; } =head2 holidays Should take at least one argument: year (four digits) Returns a reference to a hash, where the keys are date represented as four digits, the two first representing month (01-12) and the last two representing day (01-31). The value for the key in question is the local name for the holiday indicated by the day. In the event of two or more holidays on the same day (yes, it happens!), the values will comprise the name of all those holidays separated by a semicolon. my $years_holidays = holidays( $year ); for (keys %$years_holidays) { my ($day, $month) = /(..)(..)/; print "$day/$month - $years_holidays->$_\n"; } =head1 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS The following Portuguese holidays have fixed dates: Jan 1 Ano Novo Apr 25 Dia da Liberdade May 1 Dia do Trabalhador Jun 10 Dia de Portugal, de Cam�es e das Comunidades Aug 15 Assun��o da Virgem Oct 5 Dia da Implanta��o da Rep�blica Nov 1 Dia de Todos-os-Santos Dec 1 Dia da Restaura��o da Independ�ncia Dec 8 Imaculada Concei��o Dec 25 Natal The following Portuguese holidays have mobile dates: Entrudo (47 days before P�scoa / Easter) Sexta-feira Santa (Friday before P�scoa / Easter) P�scoa (Easter) Corpo de Deus (60 days after P�scoa / Easter) =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paulo Rocha, for all his knowledge about holidays and everything else. Jonas B. Nielsen, for his work regarding the standardization of Date::Holidays modules. =head1 AUTHOR Jose Castro, C<< <> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2004 Jose Castro, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.