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      Apache::AuthzUserDir - mod_perl UserDir authorization module


      <Directory /home/*/public_html>

      PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthzUserDir

      # This is the standard authentication stuff.
      # Any can be used, but basic .htpasswd authentication
      # is shown for simplicity.
      AuthName "Foo Bar Authentication"
      AuthType Basic
      AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/.htpasswd-userdirs

      # This tells apache to only let in users whose
      # http login name matches the * in /home/*/public_html
      require valid-user


      These directives can also be used in the <Location> directive or in
      an .htaccess file.

     Apache::AuthzUserDir is designed to work with mod_perl and 
     Apache's mod_user such that a single systemwide <Directory> 
     block and .htpasswd file can be used to allow authenticated
     users only into their own UserDir (typically, public_html)

     This is especially useful with mod_dav and mod_ssl running on an
     alternate port for users to upload to their public webspace.

     Peter Clark <>

     Copyright (C) 2002, Peter Clark
     All Rights Reserved

     This module is free software; you can redistribute it 
     and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.