=head1 NAME

WWW::Wunderground::API - Use Weather Underground's JSON/XML API

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.07



Connects to the Weather Underground JSON/XML service and parses the data
into something usable. The entire response is available in Hash::AsObject form, so
any data that comes from the server is accessible. Print a Data::Dumper of ->data
to see all of the tasty data bits.

    use WWW::Wunderground::API;

    my $wun = new WWW::Wunderground::API('Fairfax, VA');

    #or zipcode
    my $wun = new WWW::Wunderground::API('22030');

    #or airport identifier
    my $wun = new WWW::Wunderground::API('KIAD');

    #using the options

    my $wun = new WWW::Wunderground::API(
      api_key=>'my wunderground api key',
      cache=>Cache::FileCache->new({ namespace=>'wundercache', default_expires_in=>2400 }) #A cache is probably a good idea.

    #Check the wunderground docs for details, but here are just a few examples

    #the following $t1-$t6 are all equivalent:

    $t1 = $wun->api_call('conditions')->temp_f
    $t2 = $wun->api_call('conditions', 22152)->temp_f
    $t3 = $wun->api_call('conditions', {location=>22152})->temp_f
    $t4 = $wun->api_call('conditions', location=>22152)->temp_f
    $t5 = $wun->conditions->temp_f
    $t6 = $wun->temp_f

    print 'The temperature is: '.$wun->conditions->temp_f."\n";
    print 'The rest of the world calls that: '.$wun->conditions->temp_c."\n";
    my $sat_gif = $wun->satellite; #image calls default to 300x300 gif
    my $rad_png = $wun->radar( format=>'png', width=>500, height=>500 ); #or pass parameters to be specific
    my $rad_animation = $wun->animatedsatellite(); #animations are always gif
    print 'Record high temperature year: '.$wun->almanac->temp_high->recordyear."\n";
    print "Sunrise at:".$wun->astronomy->sunrise->hour.':'.$wun->astronomy->sunrise->minute."\n";
    print "Simple forecast:".$wun->forecast->simpleforecast->forecastday->[0]{conditions}."\n";
    print "Text forecast:".$wun->forecast->txt_forecast->forecastday->[0]{fcttext}."\n";
    print "Long range forecast:".$wun->forecast10day->txt_forecast->forecastday->[9]{fcttext}."\n";
    print "Chance of rain three hours from now:".$wun->hourly->[3]{pop}."%\n";
    print "Nearest airport:".$wun->geolookup->nearby_weather_stations->airport->{station}[0]{icao}."\n";

    #Conditions is autoloaded into the root of the object
    print "Temp_f:".$wun->temp_f."\n";


=head2 update()

Included for backward compatibility only.
Refetches conditions data from the server. It will be removed in a future release.
If you specify an api_key then this is equvilent of ->api_call('conditions') and is subject to the same cache

=head2 location()

Set the location. For example:

    my $wun = new WWW::Wunderground::API('22030');
    my $ffx_temp = $wun->conditions->temp_f;

    my $ny_temp = $wun->conditions->temp_f;

    $wun->location('San Diego, CA');
    my $socal_temp = $wun->conditions->temp_f;

Valid locations can be derived from others by calling the geolookup endpoint, but you probably already know where you are.

=head2 auto_api

set auto_api to something truthy to have the module automatically make API calls without the use of api_call()

=head2 api_call( api_name, <location> )

Set api_name to any location-based wunderground api call (almanac,conditions,forecast,history...).

Location is optional and defaults to L</"location()">. Can be any valid location (eg 22152,'KIAD','q/CA/SanFrancisco',...)

    #Almanac data for 90210

    #If auto_api=>1 the following is equivalent

    #10 day forecast for New York

=head2 raw()

Returns raw text result from the most recent API call. This will be either xml or json depending on api_type.
You can also set this to whatever json/xml you'd like, though I can't imagine why you'd want to.

=head2 cache()

Specify a cache object. Needs only to support get(key) and set (key,value) so L<Cache::Cache> or L<CHI> caches should work.

=head2 xml()

*Deprecated* - use L</"raw()"> instead.

Returns raw xml result from wunderground server where applicable

=head2 json()

*Deprecated* - use L</"raw()"> instead.

Returns raw json result from wunderground server where applicable

=head2 data()

Contains all weather data from server parsed into convenient L<Hash::AsObject> form;

=head2 api_key()

Required for JSON api access. Defaults to $ENV{WUNDERGROUND_API}

=head2 api_type()

Defaults to json. If no api_key is specified it will be set to xml and only basic weather conditions will be available.

=head1 AUTHOR

John Lifsey, C<< <nebulous at crashed.net> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-www-wunderground-api at rt.cpan.org>, or through
the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=WWW-Wunderground-API>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SOURCE

Better yet, fork on github and send me a pull request:

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc WWW::Wunderground::API

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 SEEALSO

If you'd like to scrape from Weather Underground rather than have to use the API, see L<Weather::Underground>.
WWW::Wunderground::API only supports current conditions without an API key.


Copyright 2013 John Lifsey.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.
