Types::Algebraic - Algebraic data types in perl


      use Types::Algebraic;
      data Maybe = Nothing | Just :v;
      my $sum = 0;
      my @vs = ( Nothing, Just(5), Just(7), Nothing, Just(6) );
      for my $v (@vs) {
          match ($v) {
             with (Nothing) { }
             with (Just $v) { $sum += $v; }
      say $sum;


    Types::Algebraic is an implementation of algebraic data types
    <> in perl.

    These kinds of data types are often seen in functional languages, and
    allow you to create and consume structured data containers very

    The module provides two keywords: "data" for creating a new data type,
    and "match" to provide pattern matching on the type.


 Creating a new type with data

    The data keyword is used for creating a new type.

    The code

      data Maybe = Nothing | Just :v;

    creates a new type, of name Maybe, which has 2 data constructors,
    Nothing (taking no parameters), and Just (taking 1 parameter).

    You may insantiate values of this type by using one of the constructors
    with the appropriate number of arguments.

      my $a = Nothing;
      my $b = Just 5;

 Unpacking values with match

    In order to access the data stored within one of these values, you can
    use the match keyword.

      my $value = Just 7;
      match ($value) {
          with (Nothing) { say "There was nothing in there. :("; }
          with (Just $v) { say "I got the value $v!"; }

    The cases are matched from the top down, and only the first matching
    case is run.

    You can also create a default fallback case, which will always run if

      data Color = Red | Blue | Green | White | Black;
      match ($color) {
          with (Red) { say "Yay, you picked my favorite color!"; }
          default    { say "Bah. You clearly have no taste."; }


    Currently, match statements can't be nested.


    Please report bugs directly on the project's GitHub page


    Sebastian Paaske Tørholm <>


    Copyright 2020- Sebastian Paaske Tørholm


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.