# NAME SQL::NamedPlaceholder - extension of placeholder # SYNOPSIS use SQL::NamedPlaceholder qw(bind_named); my ($sql, $bind) = bind_named(q[ SELECT * FROM entry WHERE user_id = :user_id ], { user_id => $user_id }); $dbh->prepare_cached($sql)->execute(@$bind); # DESCRIPTION SQL::NamedPlaceholder is extension of placeholder. This enable more readable and robust code. # FUNCTION - ($sql, $bind) = bind\_named($sql, $hash); The $sql parameter is SQL string which contains named placeholders. The $hash parameter is map of bind parameters. The returned $sql is new SQL string which contains normal placeholders ('?'), and $bind is array reference of bind parameters. # SYNTAX - :foobar Replace as placeholder which uses value from $hash->{foobar}. - foobar = ?, foobar > ?, foobar < ?, foobar <> ?, etc. This is same as 'foobar = :foobar'. # AUTHOR cho45 <cho45@lowreal.net> # SEE ALSO # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.