
This module makes easier the manipulation and creation of
.sf2 SoundFont files and Gravis .pat files and .zip archives.

It offers functions: file2sf sf2file new_sf2 file2gravis
gravis2file timidity_cfg

Nothing is exported by default, but all the documented functions
can be exported.

It requires a number of other modules: File::Format::RIFF MIDI
File::Tmp Archive::Zip File::Basename LWP::Simple String::Approx
and the installation also requires: Test::Simple and Data::Dumper

The examples/ directory includes: sf_list and sf_edit  which are
simple but already useful applications.

To install:
	perl Makefile.PL; make; make install

For up-to-date source, see http://search.cpan.org/~pjb/

Peter J Billam    www.pjb.com.au/comp/contact.html    www.pjb.com.au