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MojoX::JSON::RPC::Service::AutoRegister - Base class for RPC Services


This object represent a base class for RPC Services.
It only ovverides the `new` to inject `'with_mojo_tx'=1`, `'with_svc_obj'=1` and `'with_self'=1`  options by default.
For more information on how services work, have a look at

Every function that starts with `rpc_` it's automatically registered as an
rpc service, this means that on your service file you must only add


at the bottom of the code.
You can also defines your suffix or your regex to match the functions to being automatically registered.


Inherits all methods from [MojoX::JSON::RPC::Service](https://metacpan.org/pod/MojoX::JSON::RPC::Service) and adds the following new ones:

## register\_rpc

witouth arguments, register all the methods of the class that starts with "rpc\_" as a RPC services

## register\_rpc\_suffix


Accept  an argument, the suffix name. Register all the methods of the class that starts with the given suffix as a RPC services (e.g. somesuffix\_edit, somesuffix\_lay )

## register\_rpc\_regex


Accept  an argument, a regex. Register all the methods of the class that matches the given regex as a RPC services


mudler <mudler@dark-lab.net>, vytas <vytas@cpan.org>


Copyright 2014- mudler, vytas


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

