# NAME DOCSIS::ConfigFile - Decodes and encodes DOCSIS config files # DESCRIPTION [DOCSIS::ConfigFile](https://metacpan.org/pod/DOCSIS%3A%3AConfigFile) is a class which provides functionality to decode and encode [DOCSIS](http://www.cablelabs.com) (Data over Cable Service Interface Specifications) config files. This module is used as a layer between any human readable data and the binary structure. The files are usually served using a [TFTP server](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3ATFTPd), after a [cable modem](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_modem) or MTA (Multimedia Terminal Adapter) has recevied an IP address from a [DHCP](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AISC%3A%3ADHCPd) server. These files are [binary encode](https://metacpan.org/pod/DOCSIS%3A%3AConfigFile%3A%3AEncode) using a variety of functions, but all the data in the file are constructed by TLVs (type-length-value) blocks. These can be nested and concatenated. See the source code or [https://app.thorsen.pm/docsisious](https://app.thorsen.pm/docsisious) for list of supported parameters. # SYNOPSIS use DOCSIS::ConfigFile qw(encode_docsis decode_docsis); $data = decode_docsis $bytes; $bytes = encode_docsis( { GlobalPrivacyEnable => 1, MaxCPE => 2, NetworkAccess => 1, BaselinePrivacy => { AuthTimeout => 10, ReAuthTimeout => 10, AuthGraceTime => 600, OperTimeout => 1, ReKeyTimeout => 1, TEKGraceTime => 600, AuthRejectTimeout => 60, SAMapWaitTimeout => 1, SAMapMaxRetries => 4 }, SnmpMibObject => [ {oid => "", INTEGER => 1}, {oid => "", STRING => "bootfile.bin"} ], VendorSpecific => { id => "0x0011ee", options => [30 => "0xff", 31 => "0x00", 32 => "0x28"] } } ); # OPTIONAL MODULE You can install the [SNMP.pm](https://metacpan.org/pod/SNMP) module to translate between SNMP OID formats. With the module installed, you can define the `SnmpMibObject` like the example below, instead of using numeric OIDs: encode_docsis( { SnmpMibObject => [ {oid => "docsDevNmAccessIp.1", IPADDRESS => ""}, {oid => "docsDevNmAccessIpMask.1", IPADDRESS => ""}, ] }, ); # WEB APPLICATION There is an example web application bundled with this distribution called "Docsisious". To run this application, you need to install [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious) and [YAML::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/YAML%3A%3AXS): $ curl -L https://cpanmin.us \ | perl - -M https://cpan.metacpan.org \ DOCSIS::ConfigFile \ Mojolicious \ YAML::XS After installing the modules above, you can run the web app like this: $ docsisious --listen http://*:8000 And then open your favorite browser at [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000). To see a live demo, you can visit [https://app.thorsen.pm/docsisious](https://app.thorsen.pm/docsisious). # FUNCTIONS ## decode\_docsis $data = decode_docsis($byte_string); $data = decode_docsis(\$path_to_file); Used to decode a DOCSIS config file into a data structure. The output `$data` can be used as input to ["encode\_docsis"](#encode_docsis). Note: `$data` will only contain array-refs if the DOCSIS parameter occur more than once. ## encode\_docsis $byte_string = encode_docsis(\%data, \%args); Used to encode a data structure into a DOCSIS config file. Each of the keys in `$data` can either hold a hash- or array-ref. An array-ref is used if the same DOCSIS parameter occur multiple times. These two formats will result in the same `$byte_string`: # Only one SnmpMibObject encode_docsis({ SnmpMibObject => { oid => "", STRING => "bootfile.bin" } }) # Allow one or more SnmpMibObjects encode_docsis({ SnmpMibObject => [ {oid => "", STRING => "bootfile.bin"} ] }) Possible `%args`: - mta\_algorithm This argument is required when encoding MTA config files. Can be set to either empty string, "sha1" or "md5". - shared\_secret This argument is optional, but will be used as the shared secret used to increase security between the cable modem and CMTS. # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014-2018, Jan Henning Thorsen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - `jhthorsen@cpan.org`